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AK-Organic Insights, Inc 3rd rev final f
What S.O.E means for the coffee industry. This article, featured in the Roast Magazine, gives an overview of the changes to the USDA organic program, Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE). It was  written by Silke Fuchshofen, Organic Insights, Inc., an organic consulting firm.

Roast Magazine 



Advanced Inspector Training about the integration of trace back audits with other inspection activities.


April 21st, 2020


Fraud Prevention in the Receiving Department

A 300 Level Processing Webinar 


Receiving is one of the most critical organic control points in a processing operation. At the intersection of purchasing, operations and record keeping a lot can go wrong. Silke will show examples of what happens when an inspector starts digging a little deeper into those procedures. As the organic industry rises to the challenge of addressing fraud, Silke’s training will give the organic inspector new tools to do just that.


This material has been very well received by 150+ inspectors and certifier staff at prior presentations (“this is an eye-opener”- participant comment). It was also the basis for the invitation to the NOSB expert panel on Import Oversight in Spring 2018.  If you are interested, but not currently working as a reviewer or inspector of processing facilities, please contact IOIA to discuss acceptance into the course.


For more information:


ACA Meeting, January 2020


Here at the ACA meeting, January 2020:  â€‹


Pages from Mail photo of Silke at ACA pr

NOSB Panel Discussion, April 2018 


Silke Fuchshofen was one of nine industry experts to participate in a 3-hour panel discussion about organic import fraud prevention at the NOSB Spring meeting of 2018 in Tucson, AZ. 


She spoke about her experiences at certified organic processing facilities and the often weak interface between operational and administrative procedures. 


(Photo by Organic Trade Association)

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